It’s Time to Make Yourself a Priority.

Heal. Grow. Transform.

Online Therapy for Adults in Florida

Every day is a race from beginning to end.

You think there’s no way you could take care of yourself when you’re spread so thin.

Those meetings that could’ve been an email. The social engagements and unavoidable family obligations. Driving the kids around in rage-inducing rush-hour traffic. Cleaning. Laundry. Grocery shopping – the never-ending To-Do list.

Lying awake at night, tossing and turning, thinking about everything you failed to accomplish today and the things you need to get done tomorrow.

Rinse. Repeat.

How long can you keep this up before you come crashing down?

At work, you’re the man.

At home, you might as well be furniture.

Mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted by the time you get home, you’re unable to show up for yourself and your family.

You desperately want to be present for your loved ones but simply don’t have the bandwidth. So you disappear into a video game, a Netflix series, or whatever else allows you to disconnect.

You’re winning in business but failing at life.

It feels like all you learned growing
up was dysfunction.

Though you’ve been able to survive, you’re left alone to deal with the anger, guilt, and shame that you carry deep inside.

Trapped in the intergenerational struggle.

Your efforts at self-improvement are met with rejection and mockery by your family.

In their eyes, you’re now a traitor for simply refusing to engage in the toxicity. Your desire to live a different life than what they handed to you has turned you into the black sheep.

The gaslighting is real.

It’s okay to put yourself first.

Real change happens when we’re willing to challenge ourselves.

Like anything else worth doing, therapy is messy, difficult,
challenging, and incredibly rewarding in the end.

You need a therapist who can help you through the
intricate path to becoming your best self. Someone you can
trust to be real, honest, and above all else, genuinely
invested in helping you succeed.

Call Today

Hi, I’m
Dr. Gipsy J. Alvarez de la Campa
Licensed Psychologist

I’ll meet you where you are and help you get to where you want to be.

You can unlearn the BS, get out of the rat race, and find balance. I’ll guide you in the process of creating real, lasting, meaningful change in your life.

My approach is comprehensive and tailored to your specific needs – applying practical solutions to life’s complex problems.

Let’s work together!

Change happens here.

It’s time to get out of the discomfort zone – you’ve been there for far too long.

Schedule your free 15-minute consultation where we’ll discuss what you need and how I can help.

I look forward to meeting you!

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.”
- Helen Keller