Anger Management

Anger takes many forms.

It can be like the constant hum of a refrigerator running in the background – nearly invisible at times but always present.

Or the potential energy contained within a coiled spring, waiting to be released. You feel it in your body – your muscles are tense, your jaw is clenched, your shoulders are tight.

A crater full of boiling, liquid magma raging right in the center of your chest, like a volcano that threatens to erupt at any given moment, destroying everything in its path.

When expressed inappropriately through aggression…

… anger can be destructive and have devastating consequences.

You can end up hurting yourself and others, destroying relationships with the people you care about. Your friends and family start to feel like they’re walking on eggshells around you. It can also ruin your career and even get you into legal trouble.

It’s not hard to see how not managing your anger and aggression can wreak havoc on your personal and professional life.

What’s less visible from the outside is how detrimental it is to your self-esteem, sense of self-worth, and overall quality of life. Anger robs you of your ability to relax, unwind, and enjoy your daily life. It reinforces self-sabotaging cycles. And it harms your health.

Anger is one of those emotions that, when ignored and repressed, has the unique ability to fester inside, slowly eating away at you until all that’s left is what feels like a hollow, empty shell.

The real cause of the anger that keeps you tightly wound…

… and ready to pounce typically runs much deeper than you realize.

Anger is a complex emotion with multiple layers.

In anger management treatment, I’ll help you learn to identify the source of your anger and process those painful emotions that often lie just beneath the anger itself. We’ll peel back the layers in the process of exploration that involves self-reflection and evaluating those lived experiences that have caused you pain.

We’ll work on providing you with the necessary tools to successfully manage and cope with your thoughts and emotions constructively and positively so that you don’t have to walk around with clenched fists, ready to fly off the handle at the slightest provocation.

You’ll learn to identify emotional, bodily, and external cues to increase your awareness of your pattern of anger expression and techniques that can help you self-regulate and prevent outbursts. You’ll also learn to silence the negative self-talk that accompanies anger and develop assertive communication skills to express your needs clearly and effectively without the use of aggression.

Though the techniques I teach vary depending on your particular needs, most are rooted in the practice of mindfulness and can be utilized in real-world situations.

Anger is a prison without walls.

If you clicked on this page, chances are that either you or someone you care about has been struggling with anger. You’ve already taken the first step by being here… go ahead and take the next step.

Break free today.

Call me for a free 15-minute consultation: (561) 247-2901. I’m happy to answer your questions and discuss how I can help.