Where are you located?
I provide telehealth services in the state of Florida.
Is telehealth private and confidential?
Yes, the same rules for privacy and confidentiality that apply to traditional face-to-face therapy apply to telehealth.
Is online therapy effective?
Yes, online therapy services are effective, safe, and have the added benefit of convenience.
What are your hours?
I see clients Monday – Thursday, 10 AM to 5 PM.
What is your cancellation policy?

I require 24 hours’ advance notice for cancellations and requests for rescheduling.

Any appointments canceled within a 24-hour window will be subject to a no-show or late cancellation fee.

You may cancel via your client portal or by texting (561) 247-2901.

Do you take insurance?

I don’t take insurance.

But for your convenience, I can provide you with a monthly “Superbill” receipt to submit to your insurance. This will have all the codes on it that your insurance company will need. You may give them a quick call to ask about their reimbursement rates for out-of-network counseling.

With whom do you work?
I work with adults in the state of Florida who are struggling with a variety of issues, including:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Life transitions
  • Existential crisis
  • Stress management
  • Anger management
  • Difficulty with interpersonal relationships
  • Adverse childhood experiences
  • Intergenerational trauma
  • Trauma
  • Adult children of emotionally immature parents
  • Burnout
  • Impostor syndrome
  • Low self-esteem
  • Problems with self-worth
  • Mindset-related issues
  • Difficulties with boundaries
  • ADHD
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders
  • Personality-related difficulties
What’s your approach?

I take a holistic approach to mental health. After all, your brain is connected to your body, and everything works together.

For this reason, I encourage my clients to be proactive in caring for their physical health… and participate in health-promoting activities that can positively impact various areas of their lives.

I believe that accurate diagnosis (and determining whether there IS a diagnosis) is essential to planning your treatment.

I meet my clients where they are, and we work from there using evidence-based interventions.

I devote much of the time in therapy to developing a great relationship with my clients. It’s important that you feel safe and understood, as there’s no substitute for a strong therapeutic alliance when it comes to psychological treatment.

Therapy is a collaborative process, and I strive to empower my clients to be active participants in their healing.

What should I expect in my first session?
During our first session, we’ll discuss the reasons why you’re seeking help and what you hope to gain from therapy. I’ll gather information about your existing issues and clinical history, and we’ll collaborate on setting treatment goals.
Will I receive a psychiatric diagnosis?

Proper diagnosis and treatment planning is an important part of what we do in the field of psychology. For many, receiving a diagnosis can help provide answers to questions they have about their mental health. For others, receiving a diagnosis might seem stigmatizing.

If you meet the criteria for one or more DSM-5 diagnoses, I will discuss this with you with sensitivity and care.

Do your clients receive assignments to work on between sessions?

Most of the work of therapy happens outside of the therapy session. Therefore, I encourage my clients to go out and practice the skills learned during their sessions in their everyday lives.

I sometimes assign specific homework on a case-by-case basis.

¿Hablas español?
Por supuesto. El español es mi lengua materna.
Are you LGBTQIA+ friendly?

Absolutely. I believe it’s important to affirm your identity and continue educating myself as much as I can.

Do you have any beverage preferences?

Water is the superior beverage. Period.

Pepsi and Coke are interchangeable unless it’s the Coke that comes in a glass bottle. For that, there’s no substitute!

And cuban cafecito is king.

Is there anything you want to confess?
I’ve watched every episode of the original Jersey Shore, and I don’t regret it.
What’s your favorite modern slang term?