Forensic Services


Competency Evaluation services will become available beginning December 2021.

Being involved in a legal proceeding is stressful.

It’s a high-stakes, contentious situation with a potentially life-altering outcome.

The scrutiny and uncertainty can become overwhelming.

This is one of those times in which you truly need an expert.

The Psychology Practice provides expert evaluations, testimony, and treatment services for individuals involved in the judicial system. Evaluation and treatment services are available in the following areas: adult and juvenile competency to proceed, juvenile competency to waive Miranda, hardship waivers, citizenship examination waivers (N-648), and online court-ordered anger management treatment.

As a clinical and forensic psychologist, I have specialized training and experience providing evaluation and treatment services to individuals involved in the legal system, including those with serious and persistent mental illness and personality disorders.

As an examiner, I have experience conducting various forensic evaluations, including Competency to Stand Trial Evaluations, Violence Risk Assessment Evaluations, and Immigration Evaluations such as Hardship Waivers and Citizenship Examination Waivers (N-648).

As a treatment provider, I have worked with legally involved individuals in private practice, state hospital, and prison settings, providing the following services: personality assessments, diagnostic assessments, individual and groups psychotherapy, anger management treatment, adult and juvenile sex offender treatment, domestic violence perpetrator treatment, substance abuse treatment, and competency restoration services.

Forensic Evaluations

Legal and court-ordered evaluations can differ greatly from other types of psychological assessments. They have a different scope, purpose, and audience, and they tend to be rigorous, adhering to stringent standards.

Competency to Stand Trial

Competency to Stand Trial, also referred to as Competency to Proceed or Fitness to Proceed, refers to a defendant’s ability to understand and participate in court proceedings. When an issue of competency is raised, the defendant has a right to a hearing to determine whether they are competent to stand trial.

Competency evaluations must be completed by a qualified mental health expert, such as a forensic psychologist or psychiatrist. These evaluations typically involve a review of available records and interviews with the defendant. In some cases, it may be necessary to administer testing instruments assessing a defendant’s knowledge and understanding of the legal system, mental health, as well as their intellectual functioning and capacity.

Competency to Waive Miranda

When a defendant waives Miranda rights, there is sometimes a question regarding their ability to do so knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily. Forensic psychologists can assess any limitations, such as mental health disorders or cognitive problems that may have impaired a defendant’s ability to waive Miranda rights. Competency to Waive Miranda evaluations can involve the use of testing instruments to assess a defendant’s intellectual functioning and comprehension of Miranda rights, as well as interviews and review of available records.

Immigration Evaluations

Hardship Waivers

When someone is involved in immigration proceedings that will result in deportation, a relative (spouse, child, or elderly parent) who is a citizen or resident of the United States can apply for an immigration waiver.

A qualified mental health expert can document and explain the significant hardships (e.g., emotional, psychological, financial, medical, academic, etc.) resulting from the deportation of an applicant’s loved one. These evaluations are an in-depth process that involves a clinical interview; the assessment of various risk factors, including a history of trauma and abuse; the administration of psychometric testing to assess the potential impact of the aforementioned hardships on the applicant; and collaboration with immigration attorneys.

Citizenship Examination Waiver (N-648)

Form N-648, or Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions, exempts certain persons applying for United States citizenship from meeting the English and Civic requirements of the naturalization process. A qualified licensed psychologist can assess the presence of a “mental or physical disability or impairment” that significantly inhibits an individual’s ability to learn. These evaluations typically involve a clinical interview and the administration of psychometric testing instruments to measure the nature and extent of the individual’s impairments.

Court-Ordered Treatment

Online Anger Management Treatment

Individuals involved in the judicial system can be ordered by a judge to complete anger management treatment due to their charges or meet release conditions.

We offer Cognitive-Behavioral anger management treatment to provide individuals with the necessary tools and effective coping skills to manage their anger successfully. In anger management treatment, participants can learn to identify their patterns of anger expression and internal and external anger cues.

We teach evidence-based, Cognitive-Behavioral, and mindfulness-based techniques to help manage thoughts and emotions and prevent aggressive outbursts. Additionally, individuals will learn assertive communication skills to express their needs clearly and effectively without aggression.

All sessions take place online via a secure, HIPAA-compliant Telehealth platform. Telehealth removes time and distance barriers, thus facilitating access to care for individuals lacking reliable transportation or currently under house arrest.

Let’s talk about how I can help.

Legally involved persons face unique challenges. Why not rely on a mental health expert with the right training and experience?

I offer a free 15-minute consultation, and I’m happy to talk to you or your attorney about your case. Call today: (561) 247-2901.