Stress Management

Stress has become a “fact of life” for us all…

A demanding career: Unreasonable expectations, long and busy days that seem to blur into one another. You’re one person doing the work of three people, and your efforts so often go overlooked.

Family obligations: Planning birthdays, attending PTA meetings, running errands, cooking, being a caregiver to a loved one. The never-ending work of parenting. Attending or hosting events that maybe you’d rather skip because you’re too tired, or you know there’s bound to be some conflict.

Change: Moving to a new place, starting a new job or switching careers, graduating, going back to school, becoming a parent, ending a relationship. Whether you’re embarking on a new and exciting journey or facing a difficult set of circumstances, change can be a major source of stress.

Your health: Dealing with a physical or mental health condition often means dealing with doctor visits, unpleasant medication side-effects, fluctuating mood and energy levels. Trying to develop or maintain healthier eating habits and a regular fitness routine can become challenging when you’re tired, have other responsibilities to take care of, or have a health condition. It can be exhausting and mentally taxing.

The economy: It seems like all we do lately is experience “unprecedented times.” If you’re under 40, you’ve already experienced multiple recessions, maybe a few stock market crashes, the bursting of the housing bubble, record-high gas prices, high unemployment rates, etc. So… congratulations.

The general uncertainty of life…

It can wreak havoc on your health and ruin your quality of life.

You walk around with tense muscles and a knot in your stomach. Your head hurts, your shoulders feel heavy and tight, and your back aches.

You’ve got zero patience. A million thoughts are running through your mind at any given moment. And that negative voice in your head just… won’t… stop.

Most of us are familiar with the consequences of chronic stress – pain, fatigue, high blood pressure, insomnia, irritability, burnout, or worsening of an existing medical condition… just to name a few.

In search of relief…

We tend to engage in less-than-ideal ways of coping that end up causing more problems than they solve…

Drinking too much, eating too much or too little, overdoing it with caffeine, smoking, isolating from others, becoming overly focused on work, ignoring everything else in our lives…

Maybe you have some of your own?

Perhaps one of the worst things about stress is its inevitability.

Just like Jason in Friday the 13th (or any other masked horror movie villain)… no matter how much you run from it, stress will catch up to you.

If so many of the things you do are causing you to feel stressed and quitting your life and moving to the woods to live off-grid isn’t an option (for now, at least), what can you actually do about it?

The key is to learn to manage your stress and cope with it in a safe and useful manner.

I’m here to help you do just that!

Stress might be a universal experience, but you’re a unique individual, dealing with your own set of challenges. Therefore, your treatment plan will be tailored to you. We’ll collaborate to establish goals that make sense for you, taking your priorities, your needs, and your lifestyle as a whole into account.

In stress management therapy, I’ll help you lighten the load, take a breather, silence the negative thoughts, work through your emotions, and learn to cope effectively.

Stress is a natural response to a threat and has both physiological and psychological components. In stress management therapy, you’ll learn to understand these components. You’ll learn to be in tune with your body, your thoughts, and your emotions.

We’ll work together to help you learn to regulate your stress response using various mindfulness-based interventions, focusing on the ones that work best for you. We’ll take some time to help you establish boundaries and a routine of self-care that will help you lead a more balanced life.

Don’t let stress continue to rob you of your health and peace of mind.

If you’re reading this page and think to yourself, “I would love to go to therapy, but I don’t have the time,” you’re exactly the person who needs this.

You deserve to feel great and live life to the fullest!

Call me today. I offer a free 15-minute consultation to answer your questions. I look forward to working with you! (561) 247-2901