Therapy for Business and Health Professionals

The long hours… the endless paperwork… the constant pressure to deliver…

Your career is unique in that it repeatedly places you in situations in which the margin for error is low, and the demand for outstanding performance and perfect results is high.

So, if you’re absolutely crushing it at the office, chances are that you’re making some pretty significant sacrifices in other areas of your life.

Missing out not only on important events such as birthdays, holidays, and soccer games but also on the little things like a relaxing day by the pool, a cozy movie night, or dinner with friends.

Neglecting your health, not getting enough sleep or rest, having little to no opportunity to relax and focus on your self-care.

You’re a highly goal-oriented person who thrives under pressure…

… and loves to help other people.

You love to face challenges head-on. That’s why you chose to enter your field.

You used to love the high stakes. But everything’s changed now… You’ve hit a wall.

No one can function perpetually at 100%. After all, you’re a human being—a person with real feelings and real problems—not a robot.

You lack the energy that you once possessed in abundance. You can’t focus and can’t stop worrying about work when you’re off the clock.

It’s now become nearly physically impossible to relax, be present, and enjoy the moment. Your relationships are suffering or even falling apart, and you no longer feel like yourself.

Therapy can help… I can help.

I can provide you with a private, confidential space in which to safely let your guard down, shut out all the noise, decompress, and make sense of it all.

We’ll work together to address your challenges and help you cope effectively with the high demands of your career.

We’ll identify effective methods of relieving the stress that’s negatively impacting your mental health, quiet that voice in your head that tells you that you’re not doing enough, and process the complex and contradicting emotions that result from this negative self-talk.

My approach is practical and flexible, incorporating various evidence-based techniques, including mindfulness exercises to help regulate the body’s stress response and alleviate emotional exhaustion.

I’ll help you learn how to balance your priorities so you no longer have to sacrifice your personal life. We’ll work on setting goals that align with your values, meet your specific needs, and establish boundaries that will help you achieve equilibrium in life.

It’s time to feel like yourself again.

Take the next step and call me today: (561) 247-2901.

I offer a free 15-minute consultation in which we can discuss whether we’d be a good fit. I’m more than happy to answer your questions.