Therapy for Individuals

​The problems that we face daily…

Being pulled in all different directions because everyone needs something from you.

It’s that thought in the back of your mind that something is pending – and it doesn’t let you relax.

It’s suddenly feeling overwhelmed and drained from dealing with the very challenges that once thrilled and energized you.

That sense of dread that suddenly creeps up on you and takes over, robbing you of joy.

It’s feeling on high alert… Your brain and body are desperately sending signals that something’s not quite right.

You keep asking yourself, “What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I get it together?”

You want to be able to find joy in the little things again, to live in the moment instead of feeling like you’re always in your head.

You try your best to be happy, but you know that you’ve been struggling for longer than you care to admit.

Our trials and tribulations, upbringing, patterns we get stuck in despite the pain they cause, and the systemic issues we face… all place an incredible amount of stress on us and tax our mental health.

Most of us are doing our best to fight the good fight.

… to exist in a world that constantly throws curveballs our way.

Life is hard – beautiful and totally worth living… but hard.

We can’t control what family we’re born into, the kind of upbringing we have, whether we grow up in poverty or in the middle class, which lessons we’re taught while we’re still too young to understand what’s going on.

Then, you grow up and have to deal with so much uncertainty – the job market, the economic climate, unexpected life events, just to name a few.

One day you can feel like you’re on top of the world – and the next, BAM! Something completely rocks your world.

Some of you have dealt with seemingly insurmountable odds. Yet here you are… exhausted from life’s struggles and vicissitudes but refusing to give up.

I wholeheartedly believe in our capacity for change.

(I wouldn’t be in this field if I didn’t!)

I know this because I see it happen every single day.

What’s happened can’t be changed. We can’t go back in time and undo a bad decision or prevent a particularly devastating event from impacting our lives.

But we have a fantastic capacity to overcome, to keep learning, and to move forward.

People are incredibly resilient and capable of accomplishing so much more than they give themselves credit for, especially when they have the right tools.

The road toward healing and recovery has many twists and turns, and this road looks different for everyone. So, you won’t change and grow linearly.

Because the road you’ve traveled to get here has also been unlike anyone else’s. It’s been blazed by you, by how you’ve chosen to deal with obstacles and every step you’ve taken to get to where you are today.

I aim to empower you to take the driver’s seat and become an active participant in your own growth and recovery.

Changing your life through therapy is a collaborative process.

With empathy, acceptance, open-mindedness, and authenticity, I’ll help guide you through the process of effecting real, lasting, and significant changes in your life!

I take a holistic approach to mental health treatment. Holistic simply means “the whole person.” Many factors can impact your mental health, and I take them into account to formulate an individualized treatment plan that works for you and your unique situation… because cookie cutters belong in the kitchen.

My approach is strength-based and primarily solution-focused. In other words, we’ll focus on your particular strengths to work with you instead of going against the grain as you progress toward your treatment goals.

We each have an area of expertise that we bring to the table – you’re the expert on your own life and experiences, and I’m the expert in mental health.

We work together toward your goals to improve your psychological well-being, whether that means repairing relationships, understanding, processing difficult emotions, breaking free from self-sabotaging cycles, reducing symptoms, learning healthier ways to cope, or all of the above.

Hope and healing are just a phone call away.

Call me for a free 15-minute consultation to talk about how I can help you: (561) 247-2901.

I’m happy to answer your questions to help you determine whether we’d be a good fit.